I entered my quilt "Schiessentümpel" in the quilt contest from the quilt gallery in the category small quilts and wallhangings. If you would like to vote click on the Nature's Best quilt contest . There are a lot of beautiful quils to see on this page! Thank you!
here's all you need, except for the red fabric (you need it twice)
here is my sketchbook......
when you have allways the same, the cover will fit all your books :-)
mark the middle of all your pieces...............
lay out your batting on the left side of your top fabric.......
spray baste the batting to the top and backing fabric....
mark by a basting thread the end of the batting......
quilt your book-cover...........
prepare the second backing fabric....iron a piece of wonder-under on the left side and cut a slot, that will be the opening for turning the little quilt inside-out.....
lay the top and the second backing right sides together and sew with 1/4" seam allowance all around....
turn the quilt inside out and remove the wonder-under paper.......
close the slot by ironing....
turn one side(where there is no bating) to the roight side od the quilt......
and hand-stitch the little seam on both sides....thread has to be in the same colour than the right side of the quilt, so the seam will be invisible from the right side....
slip your book inside........
and measure the other side of the book...mark with a pin.....
sew again this last two seams by hand and a coordinating thred colour....