Sunday, January 13, 2008


Dén wor eigentlech 5 Joer lang an Aarbecht, daat heescht 4,5 Joer lang just am Kapp! Fotoen hat ech ganz vill, eng Zéchnung ass dun entstanen 4 Joer virum Quilt.....ech konnt mer net esou richteg virstellen wie ech en soll realiséieren. Dunn hun ech een Cours bei der Quilt-University beluecht, an do ass dun die lescht zündend Iddi gebuer gin, an den Quilt wor an 4 Wochen färdeg.

This quilt shows a very famous place here in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, called Schiessentümpel. It took me about 5 years from the idea to the finished quilt. The sewing and quilting was done in about 2 weeks in an online workshop at the Quilt University. The quilt won a second place at the Quilt University's students gallery.

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