Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Mesh work purse

I finished the mesh work yesterday and sewed the little purse today.
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Susan said...

If you are interested in seeing my decoartions go to
I love to decorate
thanks for looking.

Luxquilt said...

Hi Susan,
I just was on your flickr album...just great!!
Your sense for decoration is super, I love the paintings you wrapped with golden paper so that they look like gifts...a great idea!! :-)

Heidisthermomixfans said...

Die Tasche ist der absolute Wahnsinn Fernande! Willst du mich nicht adoptieren ? Lol

Luxquilt said...

Moment mal Heidi, wenn ich dich adoptiere, avanciere ich zur Ur-Ur.Grossmutter! Hmm...ob man dann ins Guinness Buch kommt? Ist eine Ueberlegung wert! :-)