Monday, January 5, 2009

Rose with borders....

The rose with a narrow red and a bigger dark border.....
I didn't sew it yet, it's only a picture on the PC...(thank you Michou!)
I think it looks good and I will sew the two borders on when I finished removing the many tiny
pieces to remove......
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Michaela Querbeet said...

Hallo Fernande, deine Rose ist einfach wunderschön. Das hast du super gemacht. Liebe Grüße Michaela

Edith Bieri-Hanselmann said...

Hallo Fernande, genial Deine Rose, sie sieht so echt aus. Du hast eine sehr gute Stoffauswahl getroffen. Grauliere. Liebe Grüsse Edith

Susan said...

absolutly beautiful. I love it.. If you don't have a place for it I know I would.haha.
Fantastic, great job... I would be afraid to try something like that.
What a way to start out the new year. It is stunning.


Elvira said...

P E R F E K T !!!
Besser kann es nicht sein, gratuliere zu diesem schönen Quilt.
LG Elvira