Saturday, August 22, 2009


And again I will be away from home for a week. I'm going tomorrow to Switzerland, St Moritz, like every year. I will have a workshop with Jacqueline Heinz, a famous european quilter.
Here's a link to the PIVA page.

Will be back next sunday, hopefully with a lot of beautiful pics to share with you! :-)
Have a good week!


Maraquilt said...

E' nata una nuova creatura :
E' speciale perchè è un luogo d'incontro tra tante persone appassionate di patchwork e non solo .
Vieni a trovarmi e lasciami un messaggio che resti ...impresso nella mia mente !

Francesca Maranathà

Angelika said...

Huhu...hab was für Dich das Du dir in meinen Blogg abholen kannst... LG Angelika

Edith Bieri-Hanselmann said...

Bin schon sehr gespannt auf die Bilder vom PIVA.
Fröhliches Sticheln
