For the moment I'm working on my quilts for the quilt-festival next week. Some quilts need sleeves, others a label etc.
The festival is every two years here in the north of Luxembourg.
Here is the official site: Quilt-Festival, Wilwerwiltz.
The exposition is in several little pittoresque villages, in churches, in chapels, in barns.....
All of you, living next to our tiny country, are invited to visit the festival. All the beautiful quilts and locations are worth the journey.
Next week I will be every day in Wilwerwiltz to prepare our quiltgroup's barn for the exhibition.
So, again no postings next week, but when the festival is over I promise you a lot of photos!!
Fernande, I wish I could join you there, but I cannot come, but at least a quilt of mine will be there :-))
Happy quilting
Much fun und viel Erfolg.
I wish I could come to the quilt festival, I've heard great stories about the last edition... but it's too far for me. Some of my quilts will be there though ;o)
liebe fernande, so schöne räumlichkeiten für großartige quilts! luxquilts übersetze ich so mit "luxus"! :-)) ich freue mich schon, die quilts en detail zu sehen. was an den wänden hängt, ist sehenswert! liebe grüße und weiter viel spaß und freude an unserem tollen hobby! ingrid aus dem schwarzwald
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