Thursday, June 4, 2009


for not posting the last two weeks. I have problems with my left arm, a muscle fiber tear....
I hope the translation is German it's called "Muskelfaserriss".
The pain isn't very funny! I can't sleep the nights because I don't know where to put my arm! :-)

No sewing the last two weeks and no PC... :-(

Today my Doc said another 4-5 days and it will become better, so cross the fingers!

The first thing I have to do in my sewing room is a little map for my new apple laptop.
When somebody is interested, I will take photos and post them.

I hope that all my faithfull readers will come back to my blog....I think next week I will be able to post more. CU


Barbara aus Kirf said...

Hallo Fernande, gute Besserung für deinen Arm.
Liebe Grüße, Barbara

Susan said...

I am so sorry you are having trouble with your arm... Hope you get better soon. Hugs

Traudl said...

Hallo Fernande,
ich drück dir beide Daumen, dass dein Arm bald wieder ok ist. Ich weiß, wie ärgerlich so etwas ist, wenn man so ausser Gefecht gesetzt wird. Mit Lesen kann ich mich gut über solche Zeiten retten :-))
Liebe Grüße